Tags #filibernie A Politician’s Role in the Twitterverse: Follower to Friend Ratio Sandi Fox December 28, 2010 It all began with a tweet from a college friend: “Should Politicians follow all of their own followers? What do
Tags Ann Belser Roadmap to Marriage Equality: Beware DOMA! Sandi Fox December 23, 2010 There is no greater roadblock to marriage equality than the Defense of Marriage Act. Passed in 1996, before any state
Tags Defense of Marriage Act “I now pronounce you . . . DEPORTED†Sandi Fox November 14, 2010 You said, “I do” to the words “Do you take ________ to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife.” For many couples simply moving
Tags Amsterdam Back in the Suburbs . . . Sandi Fox August 26, 2010 I know its been quite awhile since my last post in April. The past 4 mos have been a whirlwind
Tags Banitza Why I Love Bulgaria – Bulgarian Cuisine Sandi Fox April 27, 2010 So it appears that my time here is almost up. I have two months remaining here in Bulgaria and I
Tags Amanda Kloer Petition to Fund Crucial Programs to End Human Trafficking Sandi Fox April 20, 2010 As all of you already know I am living in Bulgaria to research the issue of human trafficking for sexual
Tags Always Remember A Passover Story: Always Remember Sandi Fox April 6, 2010 Yesterday marked the last day of the Jewish holiday of Passover (Pesach) also known to many as the story of
Tags Ashton Kutcher Big Pimpin – Demi M vs. Kim K. on the Term “Pimp” Sandi Fox April 6, 2010 I received this e-mail from www.change.org about the use of the term “Pimp” in our every day culture as being
Tags Awareness The Sex Trade: Trafficking vs. Slavery Sandi Fox March 12, 2010 Since arriving here in Bulgaria I have strayed away from talking about the issue of human trafficking for sexual exploitation
Tags Azis Hello Chalga Virgins Sandi Fox February 24, 2010 Many of my friends back in the States have not yet been exposed to Bulgarian Chalga music, a fusion of